How Do I Know If I Am Mobilized For NYSC?

Your question is how do I know if I am Mobilized For NYSC and the answer is really simple and you will discover it in this post. All you have to do is read to the end.

Either you are a prospective Corps Member or a fresh graduate or maybe you are still an undergraduate and you just want to have information on how to know when you are mobilized. This post is for you. Keep reading.

How Do I Know If I Am Mobilized For NYSC

It’s really hard for a graduate not to know whether he or she is mobilized or not because the publicity and the noise on social media and WhatsApp groups and everywhere during each NYSC Batch mobilization is always too much not to notice.

One thing you should know is that once you graduate from your institution, the next thing is NYSC and I’m sure you will either belong to your class WhatsApp group or your level WhatsApp group or some WhatsApp group in your department. [READ ALSO: NYSC Portal Senate List – Verify Your Name]

No way you are missing out of information from those groups and even if you don’t have an android phone or it got spoilt, I’m sure you will still be able to reach your friends somehow.

The first big news that will alert you is the senate list. Once the senate list is pasted at the DSA or uploaded on the portal, you will know and probably friends that can help you check your name. [READ ALSO: How Do I Find Out My Name Is On The Senate List?]

Stay Connected To Get Updates

The best answer to your question of How Do I Know If I Am Mobilized For NYSC is that you should stay connected. Stay connected with as we created this blog to give you information and as long as you are here, you won’t miss out a thing.

You should stay connected with your friends and always check your class WhatsApp group if you are in any. Once you stay connected and you are talking to friends, and you check this blog frequently, you will know when you are mobilized.

Thanks for reading and if you have any question, use the comment box below and I will respond with the speed of light.

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